21 Day Fix


Sunday, January 19, 2014

P90X3 Week Two Progress

Two weeks have flown by extremely quickly. The second week was better for me in terms of my workout, I feel stronger and was able to complete more of the moves at an advanced level.  I did one full chin up this week without any type of assistance - which I was very excited about! Week two was very difficult for me as far as my food. I feel like I have more muscle, so my metabolism and hunger have increased. I was finding myself a lot hungrier and was not prepared to fulfill the cravings with the food I had bought and set aside for the week. I found that my calories were not substantial enough for the amount of effort I was exerting, which was causing me to derail late at night. During week three I plan to increase my calories by 200, adding in an extra snack. I hope to really hit the mark in week three with this small adjustment. The snacks that I eat consist of a healthy fat and complex carb or protein and complex carb. One of my favorites is a hardboiled egg, where the yellow is removed and it is filled with hummus and topped with  parsley.

For a full list of snack ideas click HERE!

Emotionally, this week was difficult for me as well. My husband travels often for work, but this was the first time he had traveled two weeks in a row. Due to this, I felt more anxiety and stress. This caused me to crave sweets and foods that I do not normally want. I have been trying to be conscious of why I decide to eat and if it emotional or actual hunger. This coming week I am going to try and wait 20 minutes if I have a craving to see if it is substantial. I have also found sipping on detox water really helps fend off my cravings. I will squeeze lemon, lime, and orange into water, add sliced cucumber and mint herb as well. I find it refreshing, it quenches my thirst and sipping on water all day also helps with my stress. There is some sort of emotional root to overeating, cravings and bingeing - by journaling food I have really been able to dig into what is going on. It takes time to figure this out, but it can be very therapeutic to break free of these things. This week when I get a craving I plan on writing down what I am feeling at that moment, what is going on at work or in life that may be contributing to it to hopefully decipher real hunger from emotional eating. I will look at each of the items below to determine if I am truly hungry:

Real Hunger:
- Arises slowly
- Can be fulfilled with a variety of foods
- Eat until comfortably satisfied
- Does not cause guilt

Emotional Hunger:
- Arises suddenly
- Can be fulfilled with only a specific food or craving
- Eat too much, overeat
- Causes guilt

The workouts I completed this week according to the Lean schedule were the same as last week. I will complete this cycle for the first three weeks.

Accelerator: this is cardio video that incorporates intervals as well as plyometric moves. The last move in the video is called donkey kicks - fun but very hard!

The Warrior: military style, thinks lots of push-ups and planks. My arms were like noodles after this workout!

X3 Yoga: this was a great program for the middle of the week - I was really sore and yoga was just what I needed.

CVX: this is cardio with weights - extremely difficult but I really felt great after completing this workout.

Isometrix: more yoga, except very intense because you hold advanced yoga poses for 45 seconds each.

Agility X: this is a lot of fun, it involves football style drills!

Rest of Dynamix: I took this as a rest day - I sure needed it.

Now, lets get to the fun and exciting stuff. Here are the results so far from some of the challengers. They are all doing so great! Most of all, I think they are gaining knowledge on what clean eating is, how it can become a lifestyle and not a diet and that you do not have to deprive or starve yourself to lose weight.

Here are some statistics from my AWESOME challengers after week 2:

Female, age 38: 4 lbs lost, 2 1/4 inches (1/2 on the chest, 1/2 of waist, and 3/4 off thigh)
Female, age 29: 6 lbs lost
Female, age 52: 2.5 lbs lost
Male, age 30: 10 lbs lost - incredible!!

P90X3 is on sale this month only! Ready to order, click on this banner:

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