21 Day Fix


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sieze the Day

I feel like I had a few revelations this week and I want to share them all while they are fresh in my mind. The first is that it's true that you do not truly know what you have until its taken from you. Health is no different, ask anyone who has had a surgery and been stuck in the hospital for a week. Or the flu or a cold that knocks you on your back for days. Or someone who has cancer or a disease that requires that they literally live at the hospital. Or someone who has an injury that prevents them from being active. Health is never guaranteed and can change very quickly. I saw this first hand this week, as I watched my aunt undergo several emergency surgeries that caused a stay in the hospital for over a week. She was very active and took good care of her body - she was struggling at the hospital with feeling weak and just wishing she could get back out there. I have also watched another aunt struggle with Lyme Disease - an extremely difficult disease that literally attacks your nervous system. It has been a battle for her for years and she is just finally beginning to feel normal again.  She truly knows what it is like to have no idea what is going on with your body, but has been so inspiring with overcoming and working through it. Do not take your current health for granted - live each day, move and be active!

Patience is extremely important when changing habits and adopting new ones. It is really difficult not to compare your progress to others, but every one is different. My body will respond differently to an exercise program than someone else. Also, stress can really take a toll on progress. If you are stressed your body may hold onto the weight. It really is a delicate balance. Do not let the scale dictate your progress, its going to take time and motivation. Eventually you will figure out what works for you and will start seeing progress. Remember to think about the non-scale related victories; your happiness, your increased flexibility,  your increased energy, how your clothes fit, how you feel.

I have mentioned how important this is in a previous post - health starts from the inside. There is an important connection between your heart, your mind and your effort. When you begin to focus on your heart and emotions, amazing transformations can take place in all areas of your life.  I had a therapist appointment this afternoon and we were discussing emotional disconnections and why that occurs. It is easy for the brain to win and not the heart. That is why it is critical to take time for yourself each day - to read, pray and journal. Self-development can catapult your health and allow time for reflection. It can also uncover where God may be taking you in life and to search your heart for what gifts you can be using and sharing with others each day.

Every moment is an opportunity, take ahold of it and live!

Have a good Friday and weekend everyone :).

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