21 Day Fix


Monday, January 27, 2014

P90X3 Week Three Progress

I cannot tell you how much stronger I feel after completing week three. I am seeing muscle definition in places I never have - my quads, my abs and my triceps most specifically. My balance and overall flexibility is slowly getting better.  My challengers have also all reported feeling stronger, seeing more definition and having more energy. I am now able to do several chin-ups and pull-ups unassisted!  The human body is so amazing, in just a few short weeks you can feel and see the changes taking place.

One thing all of us also agree on, it that we LOVE this program. There are a variety of challengers from single to married, to married with children - some working 60+ hours a week and still they find time to put in the 30 minutes. One challenger said her children love the Shakeology and also enjoy watching her workout. They even join in and mimic Tony Horton. I think that there is often a feeling of guilt when you take time for yourself or away from your family for health or exercise. Kids love to watch and join in, and what is great about P90X3 is that you can just walk into another room in your house and hit 'play'.

This week was the final week of Block 1, next week will be what is called a Transition week, where you do a different sequence of videos in preparation for Block 2. I have to say that three weeks of repeating the 6 different workouts was perfect. I got to do each one three times, you are never bored and its challenging.  Part of the lack of boredom comes from the humor and personality of Mr. Tony Horton!  He is witty yet motivating, here is a video where Tony talks about the type of results you can expect with P90X3:

Now onto the food and meal planning. The program comes with a book that outlines how many calories, protein, carbs and fat you should try to have a day. What I love about it, is that it is based on your current weight - everyone is not held to the same calorie standard. I am supposed to consume 1500 calories a day, 113 grams of protein, 150 carbs and 50 grams of fat. Of course all of these being healthy choices, which are broken down in the manual as well. Let me tell you, I have done programs that my calorie intake was closer to 1000 or 1200 and I was weak, felt deprived and ended up giving up.  When you are fueling your body with the right amount of healthy fats, carbs and proteins in combination with a total body workout like P90X3, you will see better and more long lasting results then the low calorie, high cardio alternatives.

So far, I have not felt deprived. Of course I have my occasional slip up or sugar binge - but overall I am not feeling overly hungry. I feel satisfied, and found that 1500 calories is the perfect amount for me. Everyone is different and is important to tailor your nutrition and food intake to your specific needs. You can always adjust as needed, health is a learning process. It takes time to find the right combination for you - but once you do, it just works! Here is an example of a typical meal plan for me. I like to make a few large dishes for the entire week on Sunday. I find this to be simple and the best for budgeting.

I am not going to end this progress report with a teaser. Check back in next week for the weight loss and on-going results for my challengers.  Cannot wait to hear and share the results - we are only a third of the way through this and there is lots of progress ahead!

If you are interested in finding support, discussing your health goals or participating in this program please send me a message. Have a great week everyone!

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