21 Day Fix


Monday, June 23, 2014

Shut Out the Negativity - Speak Life!

I had been walking through a cloud of negativity for years.  Most of this negativity was centered off fear, fear of being a statistic….that my marriage will just be another percentage on the divorce statistic, that my job will eventually just become another number on the unemployment statistic, that my health would become another statistic at a hospital. Fear was ruling my life! My thoughts were focused on the bad and the relentless complaining that came out of my mouth just led me further down a path I hope to never go down again. Have you ever noticed that when you think and speak negatively about your life that everything begins to crumble around you? It’s like a cyclone, downward spiral – these relentless negative thoughts that are slowly chipping away at your self-worth, your happiness, your direction. I have personally dealt with negative thinking for years, and for years I struggled with where my focus should be. When you transform your mind, you can transform your life. You may have doors closing left and right, you may feel like nothing is ever going to change that you are stuck in a rut with no energy to get out. Until you begin speaking life - speaking hope into your situation; you renew your thoughts and mind to a more positive perspective. You have the ability to soften your heart or another’s heart with the words that you say. You have the ability to make a healthy conscious change in your life.  It is all about YOUR perspective.

Everyone experiences a rollercoaster of emotions, up and downs and days where everything falls apart. This is where the confusion sets in, you have no idea where to go, which direction to go, what to think and so you sit in your own negativity and despair.  If you begin to think of the words you say as doors to compassion, the light to life, the transformation of our thoughts – you can change your day to day.  What will happen is a new sense of hope and renewing will start occurring in your life. You will begin to love and appreciate differently.  You will begin to walk and lift your head higher; you will experience joy that will overflow into the circumstances of your life. Try not to think or say a negative comment for 24 hours, then 3 days, then a week and see how your life changes. See how your perspective changes. God did not create us to be mundane, day-to-day, depressed, negative people. We each have a gift, share yours – don’t let negativity get in the way.  You are important and your words hold value!


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