21 Day Fix


Trader Joe's Sweet Stir Fry

I like to cook with the least amount of effort and ingredients. I like simple meals that are packed with flavor.  Well Trader Joe's opened right down the street and was I beyond excited! I went there this week and bought a lot of their pre-prepped products to make a simple and delicious stir fry. If you have a Trader Joe's near you swing by and pick up these ingredients


- Trader Joe's Sweet Italian Style Chicken Sausages (4)
- Trader Joe's Pineapple Spears (1 Spear - diced)
- 3 tbsp Trader Joe Pineapple Salsa
- Mini Sweet Peppers (3)
- 1/3 cup Egg Whites
- Trader Joe's prepped and diced garlic, shallots and onion (2 tbsp)
- Trader Joe's Healthy's chopped veggie mix (4 cups)
- Trader Joe's Brown Rice Fully Cooked - (2 cups)


1. Start by browning the chicken sausage in a wok or large skillet on medium, cook for about 5 minutes
2. Add in all the remaining ingredients except the egg whites
3. Allow all the ingredients to cook in the wok for 10 minutes
4. Push the ingredients to the sides of the skillet so that there is room to pour the egg whites where they will have direct contact with the bottom of the pan. Allow the eggs to cook for 2-3 minutes then mix them in with the rest of the ingredients.
5. Allow everything to cook for an additional 5 - 7 minutes. 

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